Thursday, July 18, 2013

Téo brings French Accordion music to the early afternoon!

Professional player of Musette Accordion, Stephen Grabstein, known as "Téo," is in LA this summer from Palm Springs, and ready to treat us to his talent from 2-4pm! During the rest of the year, catch him at Pomme Frite (Best Outdoor Dining in Coachella Valley 2013) and at La Brasserie (Best French restaurant 2013).

"Téo grew up near Golden Gate Park in San Francisco but spent summers in the Napa Valley escaping the chilly fog. Fortuitously, his best friend and her wonderful French family took Téo under their wing and immersed him in their culture, encouraging his passion for Musette accordion. Spending youthful summer nights playing Accordion duets under beautiful skies and abundant vineyards cemented Téo's passion for the instrument.

As a youngster Téo was so popular an Accordion player that he was invited by San Francisco Mayor George Christopher to perform in the rotunda of City Hall. At the conclusion of his performance, he received a standing ovation ... and became one of the youngest persons to be presented the Key to the City of San Francisco.

Through all phases of his life, the Accordion has been his life blood and today as an adult, he is more passionate about it than ever. Téo is always eager to to share his love of French (and Italian!) romance musics with the world."

CDs: “Mostly Musette” 2010 and “Two” 2012


  1. Looking at Stephen's Facebook page, I am sad to report of his passing in August 2016.

  2. Looking at Stephen's Facebook page, I am sad to report of his passing in August 2016.
